A delegation of macQsimal participated in the conference Quantum Sensing & Magnetometry (QSM) – from the Nanoscale up to Geological Explorations in Bad Honnef, Germany. The meeting took place from August 12 to 14 and focused on quantum sensing technologies.
Members had an active participation in the conference. Yonqi Shi from the University of Basel and Sylvain Karlen from CSEM presented their work in a session. Shi’s talk was on GHz microwave field imaging with atomic vapor cells and Karlen’s on MEMS vapor cells. Rasmus Zetter and Joonas Iivanainen both from Aalto University contributed to the poster session. QSM2019 was an excellent opportunity to promote macQsimal and share results with experts in quantum sensors.
Lean more about their research by downloading Shi’s abstract and presentation, Karlen’s abstract and presentation, and Zetter’s and Iivanainen’s poster.