The Workshop on Optically Pumped Magnetometers (WOPM) is an annual conference covering topics related to OPM technology. This year the event will be held in a hybrid form allowing participants to meet in person in Berlin, Glasgow and Jena. The local WOPM meeting in Jena, Germany will take place on both days 4th and 5th of October in Abbe Center of Photonics (ACP) and you can still register to join.
Presentations will be streamed live for those who attend online, including talks given by macQsimal partners.
On the first day, the 4th
- in the morning session on applications of OPMs, Charikleia Troullinou, PhD student at ICFO, will be talking about how squeezed light probing affects the sensitivity spectrum of a high-density quantum noise limited OPM.
- in the afternoon’s poster session, Yongqi Shi, Postdoc at UNIBAS, will present about atomic microwave spectrum analyzer based on MEMS Rb atomic vapor cell.
On the second day, the 5th we will have two talks from macQsimal partners:
- in the morning session on new measurement schemes, Prof. Philipp Treutlein from UNIBAS will talk about the use of nuclear spins in a Helium-3 gas and developments in optical quantum control of it.
- in the afternoon session on emerging techniques, Prof. Morgan Mitchell from ICFO will share developments in optically-pumped magnetometry and comagnetometry with Bose-Einstein condensates.
The registration for participation is still open. Don’t miss the opportunity and join macQsimal partners on the date!