One of the objectives of the EU-funded projects is to increase the outreach for science and innovation. One of the means that has become a popular tool for communicating science to the general public is video.
The macQsimal team is developing a series of videos that will not only present the project objectives, results and impact but also explain the features of atomic physics that are used in the macQsimal project for the development of quantum-enhanced sensors in an understandable way.
The first recording already took place last Friday in Barcelona at ICFO and will be followed by series of filming sessions across Europe done by the macQsimal partners in Finland, Germany, Switzerland and the UK.
As much as macQsimal partners have a lot of experience presenting their work to various public, explaining their work in front of a camera, is a quite different experience:
“Last Friday it was an exciting and unique experience to video-shot interviews and laboratory scenes for the EU H2020 #macQsimal project in #AtomicQuantumOpticsLab at @ICFO”, says Gianvito Lucivero, member of the macQsimal video committee together with project leader Jacques Haesler (CSEM), Robert Loew (University of Stuttgart) and Joanna Plesniak (accelCH).
Team members in Morgan Mitchell’s group at ICFO: Dr. Kostas Mouloudakis, Dr. Michael Tayler, Sven Bodenstedt, Charikleia Troullinou and Dr. Gianvito Lucivero.