From the backstage of macQsimal video production

One of the objectives of the EU-funded projects is to increase the outreach for science and innovation. One of the means that has become a popular tool for communicating science to the general public is video. The macQsimal team is developing a series of videos that will not only present the project objectives, results and … Read more

macQsimal collaborator Etienne Batori wins the UniNE preselection of “ma thèse en 180 secondes”

International French-speaking competition of eloquence and popularization whose objective is to present a doctoral subject to an audience in a clear, entertaining and convincing way, in 180 seconds! The Jury selected the three best performances from each institution for the Swiss final. macQsimal collaborator, PhD student, Etienne Batori, won the 1st price of the UniNE … Read more

Article on how quantum technology could revolutionise the detection and treatment of diseases

The Quantum Technology Flagship, and in particular the projects macQsimal and MetaboliQS featured in a recent article in HORIZON, the EU Research & Innovation Magazine. The article focuses on the medical applications of novel quantum sensors. It can be accessed here:

Autopsie d’un Smartphone

Si le téléphone portable, pour l’instant, ne compte pas d’horloge atomique au nombre de ses composants, son fonctionnement est pourtant assujetti à cette mer veille de technologie issue du domaine du temps-fréquence.

macQsimal on YouTube: Towards a definition of time

macQsimal researcher Gaetano Mileti, co-founder of the Laboratoire Temps – Fréquence at the University of Neuchâtel, was invited to speak about how philosophers of metaphysics previously probed the start and studies light to understand the universe and the passing of time and how we nowadays use light for precision and knowledge.

macQsimal is New Flagship Project for Sensors

macQsimal, a new project selected by the European Commission for its recently launched Quantum Technologies Flagship initiative, is being coordinated by CSEM.

Swiss projects to help build a quantum future

Swiss projects to help build a quantum future: Two Swiss-led initiatives have been selected for the first phase of the European Commission’s Future Emerging Technologies Quantum Flagship, which aims to “unlock the full potential of quantum technologies and accelerate their development and take-up into commercial products in Europe”.